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Attract Buyers with Energy Efficient Upgrades


Going green and investing in environmentally-friendly products is not only great for the health of the environment but it can also have an impact on the value of your home. Waltham Real Estate Agents have found that homebuyers of all ages are looking for eco-friendly upgrades when searching for a home. There are many easy eco-friendly upgrades that will help sell your home. Here are a few suggested by a Waltham Realtor


Smart Thermostats

Something as simple as upgrading your thermostat can make your home feel newer, smarter, and more tech-savvy. Smart thermostats interact directly with your home systems. Once the smart thermostat is installed and it is in use for about a week, the thermostat will pick up the patterns of the homeowners and be able to adapt to their behaviors. This will help minimize energy consumption in the home. Waltham Realtors claim that people will spend three to five percent more for a home that includes smart features.


New Windows

A lot of older homes have old windows that are poorly insulated. By simply upgrading your windows you will be able to save more energy and maintain a more consistent and comfortable temperature in your home. It was found that homes with energy-efficient windows save up to 12 percent on their annual energy bill. Waltham Real Estate Agents say this simple upgrade will make your home highly marketable to potential buyers. 


Upgraded Insulation

Old or ineffective insulation can definitely lead to higher energy bills. This is because the cold or heated air may be flowing in and out of your attic. Waltham Realtors say that investing in a new and proper rated insulation system is always very attractive to buyers. A new and improved insulation system will reduce the need for extra heating and air conditioning which will obviously lower overall energy costs. 


Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters are attractive when buying a home because they only heat water when needed, unlike other water heaters that use unnecessary energy to store hot water. Most models of tankless water heaters last about 10 years so investing in one right before you put your house on the market can really attract buyers. Waltham Realtors claim that tankless water heaters can also help homeowners save up to $100 a year. 


Solar Panels

Waltham Real Estate Agents say the biggest eco-friendly upgrade you can make for your home is to invest in solar panels. Studies have found that each watt of solar adds about $3 to a home’s value. This could bump up your home value by $15,000! 


Contact a Waltham Realtor

Whether you want to make small simple upgrades to your home or fully dive in with solar panels, a few eco-friendly upgrades will definitely appeal to homebuyers that are looking to save on future energy costs. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Waltham, MA reach out to a Waltham Real Estate Agent today! Waltham Realtors have years of experience assisting buyers and sellers in getting the best deals. Contact Waltham Realtor, Hans Brings today by filling out a contact form or giving him a call at 617-968-0022.

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